• The COVID-19 pandemic has caused trauma on a massive scale.
  • People might be experiencing burnout or a chronic trauma response without realizing it.
  • Trouble sleeping, drug dependency, fatigue and irritability are common signs of burnout.

Even as certain indicators of the pandemic, like hospital admissions and mask requirements, have declined or disappeared, the mental toll of the pandemic continues to pose a public health crisis.

People from nearly every age group and profession — children, parents, college students, and frontline workers — have struggled with their mental health over the past two-plus years. Those with preexisting physical and/or emotional challenges found themselves especially vulnerable to the stress of social isolation in the face of a viral threat.

For healthcare workers on the front lines, the level of mental distress reported early in the pandemic was similar to the moral injury experienced by soldiers who served in combat zones, according to a recent study in the Journal of General Internal Medicine.

But terms like "burnout" and "trauma" should not be reserved exclusively for those most directly affected by COVID-19, certified psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner Tamar Rodney told Insider.

"I think it is important to call it what it actually is: trauma and burnout, because it is traumatic," said Rodney, who is also an assistant professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing. "The word 'burnout' really just represents going above and beyond what our bodies can emotionally and physically sustain over a longer period of time." 

Symptoms of pandemic trauma can be subtle

Rodney said she's seen patients who report exhaustion and frustration on top of preexisting mental health conditions. She said she noticed a "change in language that has nothing to do with their prior diagnoses." Regardless of where they're coming from, she said, people are struggling. 

While trouble sleeping or snapping at a coworker might not seem like cause for a doctor's visit, Rodney said symptoms of pandemic trauma can start subtly, and can build up to a critical point. 

If left untreated, burnout can persist and interfere with daily activities. Prolonged distress might merit a clinical diagnosis and treatment of anxiety, depression, or PTSD; burnout is more subtle and can be addressed with lifestyle changes.

Common symptoms of burnout include:

  • Fatigue or exhaustion. If you're asking yourself, "How much longer can I do the things that you're asking me to do?" you're likely experiencing burnout, Rodney said.
  • Irritability. Feeling a loss of control can lead to a sense of frustration. Keep this in mind as you're interacting with others. 
  • Trouble sleeping. A sleep deficit may be overlooked or masked with caffeine, but it's a telltale sign of burnout, Rodney said — especially if you catch yourself oversleeping for school or work.
  • Drinking or using drugs more than usual. Like caffeine, alcohol and other drugs can be used to hide some of the underlying burnout-related behaviors. Anything you use to cover up your distress could be a warning sign.
  • Loss of joy. Pandemic-era restrictions on gatherings kept many of us from socializing, and some people may continue to avoid things that once brought them joy. While you should continue to mask up around people who are vulnerable to disease, these helpful measures can become harmful if used to self-isolate unnecessarily.

Processing your emotions can help your overall health

It's better to intervene early than to let your distress reach a critical point, Rodney said.

"It doesn't mean you need medication — it might be just someone to help process those emotions," she said. "But that is a perfect time to seek help, and to accept that this is not this is not the version of me that would normally be the most productive. Therefore, I need a better version of me." 

"Whatever it is that's happening in your life, if that prevents you from doing your 'normal,' everyday activities, that should be a warning sign to do something or to say, 'I need help,'" Rodney said. 

Read the original article on Insider